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MHPF Earnings

Here is some evidence of a syndicate members earnings from Supporting Friends (previously My Search Funds and Homepage Friends). If you require an up to date statement then please contact us. We will have to omit and/or erase personal information from it so please allow a few days for a response. Thank you.







We will not be held responsible for any material or financial loss through any of the recommended company links presented on this site. These sites have been presented in good faith as profitable sites in our experience. Although profitability from this site is highly likely it is nonetheless not guaranteed and we are exempt from any liability for a players financial or material loss.

Most of the link images have been taken directly from the site to which they link. In some cases, they have been resized/trimmed or have been modified to provide transparency on this page.  In general, we do not muck about with imported images before adding them to this page. If we have inadvertently breached anyone's copyright or generally incurred their wrath by incorporating their images on this page, they should immediately contact us and we shall comply with any requests to withdraw the material.