We are a nationwide money making syndicate consisting of individuals who have a keen interest in supplementing their incomes, originally brought together 8 years ago by a social group.

Collectively we have over 25 years of experience of workable money making methods. The profit we make is split proportionately amongst it's syndicate members whilst donating 10% of the profits to various charities each year.

We have discovered a number of the best profitable sites thanks to the Money Saving Expert web site . However, using this site will save many months of your life searching the MSE web site for the information we have discovered!


Stuart Jones

With a Masters degree in Financial Management he has been successfully supplementing his income for 6 years using various betting and trading methods.


Dimitri Tsiaousi

A Banker from London who has beat the Casinos year on year. It has taken him 8 years to perfect his technique but more crucially stumbling upon the most profitable casinos with the best pay outs.


Philip Wood

A Plumber during the day and has been an avid matched better by night for 4 years. He has given us all great input into extracting free cash from betting promotions using specifically designed calculators.


Sandra Wilkins

Being a charity worker she is a money saver by heart and has a keen interest in saving her cash from cash back sites. Also a keen Bingo player, she has given her 5 years of Bingo secrets to this site.


Kyle Staton

An american currently living and working in finance in the UK. An occasional Poker player and keen Betting, Casino and Bingo player. He has devoted his 2 years of money making recommendations to this site.


We have created this site and given this information away virtually free because we already make a significant and consistent extra income every year from all of these sites.

We have unanimously concluded that new members joining to these sites will have very little negative impact on our extra incomes.

All we kindly ask for is a small Paypal donation (via the homepage), of which 50% will go to charity once you have made your first £1000 from this valuable free information.


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